Mercury Retrograde Journal Prompts

What is Mercury Retrograde?

Mercury is a planet that rules communication, information, technology, contractual agreements, and travel. When Mercury is retrograde, it appears to travel backward from the vantage point of Earth (it is not actually moving backward but the illusion is created based on its speed). This happens 3-4 times yearly and lasts about 3 weeks.

Why should you care?

During Mercury retrograde, it is common to experience glitches in technology, delays in travel plans, and misunderstandings in communication with others. Logical thought is harder to produce and frustration levels can rise. It is a good time to go slower, read over the fine print, and listen to your intuition.

Whenever a planet is retrograde, things from the past can reappear. It is an opportunity to review, reflect, and press reset.

Journal Prompts

Here are 10 Powerful Journal Prompts to help you survive Mercury Retrograde:

1) What are my actions communicating to the Universe?

2) What is my intuition guiding me towards?

3) What feels unclear right now?

4) Can I accept that clarity will arise when I am truly ready?

5) What feels heavy right now?

6) How can I lighten the load for myself?

7) What setbacks am I experiencing?

8) What are they teaching me?

9) What feels out of my control?

10) Recall 3 past experiences that prove you can trust the Universe to support you through the unknown:


Journal Prompts to Close a Chapter