School of Soul Psychology

Unlock a deeper connection with yourself and gain powerful, life-changing knowledge using the unique tools of Soul Psychology.

School of Soul Psychology is a comprehensive 10-week course designed to take you on a journey through body, mind, and soul.

You can expect to expand your spiritual knowledge, awaken a sense of purpose, and deepen your Soul connection.

You will build your knowledge of chakra energetics, human design, and astrology so that you gain insight into your unique blueprint and those of others.

You will be supported in regular journaling and meditation to help soothe your nervous system and increase self-awareness.

Hannah will help you connect with your inner child and illuminate subconscious beliefs.

Through the power of neuroplasticity, you will rewire your mind and step into a life of fulfillment and abundance.

You’ll learn invaluable tools and practices to help you cultivate healthier relationships, break free from old patterns, and instill new habits that support your personal growth.

Join Hannah on this transformative journey of self-discovery and create the life you've always envisioned.

  • 10 weeks of live calls with Hannah

  • Personalised Human Design + Astrology Reading with Hannah

  • Weekly Journal Prompts

  • Yoga Nidra + Meditation Library

  • Email support from Hannah

2024 dates to be announced…



  • “The tools and insights that Hannah shares throughout the course are invaluable. She is incredibly knowledgeable about all the modalities you dive into, and her ability to integrate these enables gentle self-growth and healing.”


  • “I signed up for this course as a gift to myself to ground and expand into the next chapter of my life after a turbulent season. What a  gift it was. Hannah's gentle and articulate teaching style is so nourishing and rich with wisdom"


  • "Hannah's School of Soul Psychology is a truly transformative experience in creating personal growth, self-confidence, and deeper spiritual connection.

    SSP student

  • "If you are wondering if this course is right for you - it is. For whatever or however you are feeling, this course is truly malleable to your personal life. Hannah is so considered with her approach and teaches in a way that really resonates. It has really set me on a path to learn more"

    SSP student

  • “Hannah is able to share lots of information balanced with meditations and felt experience. A perfect mix of mind/body/spirit. I'm grateful for the weekly workbooks and journal prompts as I will continue to revisit these teachings"


  • "I really really loved the journaling and that every week was a new topic. Lots of incredible skills, tips and tricks to add to my life tool box. The content is something I will continue to re visit and work on. Very grateful for Hannah and this incredible course she has created, very happy for choosing to invest in myself!!"


10 Week Curriculum


    Introduction to yogic philosophy, the layers of the mind, emotional reaction patterns, intentions vs. goals, the do's and don'ts of intention setting, the manifestation equation, rewiring the brain


    A journey through the chakras, psychological conditioning, limiting beliefs, subconscious deep dive, scripting, unearthing memories, bodily insights, chakra balancing


    Q+A + spiritual integration tools


    Human Design, energy types, strategy, profile, clues to uncover your purpose, the de-conditioning process, natural gifs and talents, operating with ease, your personal definition of success


    The 12 zodiac signs, the 12 houses, North Node medicine, activating your Venus, manifesting with the Moon cycles, embracing your truth, nudging up against your comfort zone, attraction style.


    Recap + final blessing

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time do I need to dedicate to the School?

Video lesson: 60-75 minutes per week

(can be watched live or in your own time. recording is available after the live call)

Journaling: suggested 30 minutes per week

(Can be completed in one sitting or spaced out across the week)

Meditation: suggested 3 times per week

(The meditation library includes tracks that vary in length from 5 minutes to 30 minutes)

What am I going to get out of it?

What you put into it!

You will need to dedicate time each week to the School (and ultimately to yourself) to notice the real transformation.

Life-long skills and lessons are provided so you will be able to use the knowledge, journaling prompts, and meditations long after the course finishes.

Do I need to have knowledge of Human Design and Astrology?

You can be a total beginner or have prior knowledge of these systems. Hannah will cover the basic elements of Astrology and Human Design but will also elaborate into more niche areas so that all levels of knowledge are satisfied.

If you have extensive knowledge of Human Design and Astrology, the School can offer a basic refresher. You may also find it expands your perspective on certain topics.

am not sure whether to sign up for the School or book in for a reading.

You receive a 1:1 human design + astrology reading with Hannah as part of the School.

If you have already received a reading, this time can be used for general coaching or deeper exploration into your human design and astrology charts.

During school, you will also learn how to read the human design and astrology charts of family and friends.

What if I can’t make the live calls?

Everything is recorded and uploaded into the School of Soul Psychology members portal so you can watch it in your own time.

Hannah is available throughout the week via email if you have follow-up questions about the content.

I am not sure if I should make the investment.

There is a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the content of the course - so it’s a risk-free investment.

The wisdom you gain, the connections you make, and the transformation you undergo will pay off in every facet of your life – personally, professionally, and spiritually

You have the option to pay in 3 monthly installments OR pay in one installment.

Video Reviews