Mercury Retrograde 101; dos and don’ts
What is going on?
Mercury Retrograde is synonymous with miscommunication, tech glitches, travel delays, lost emails, and missed appointments. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not all bad.
Astronomically, Mercury Retrograde occurs when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in the sky. Energetically, it’s a time to revisit, review, reflect, and refine.
This transit happens 3-4 times a year and lasts for approximately 3 weeks. It is a fairly regular occurrence so here are some tips to make this transit work FOR you and not AGAINST you.
If you want to listen to me speak about this topic and share some personal stories - I have shared a full podcast episode in the Cosmic Survival Kit.
How to Survive and Thrive During Mercury Retrograde
To navigate this period with grace, it’s helpful to implement caution:
Double-check everything: Reread documents, account for delays, and remove distractions.
Trust your intuition: Intuition is clearer and more reliable than logic during this time.
Don’t make assumptions: When in doubt, ask for clarification. Assumptions often stem from past experiences but may not be rooted in present-moment truth.
Avoid major decisions: If possible, hold off on launching new projects or signing contracts unless your intuition strongly guides you.
Stress Relief Tips
Mercury Retrograde can increase stress levels due to the accumulation of small frustrating moments. To combat this, try grounding activities such as:
spending time in nature
practicing meditation
engaging in mindful movement.
Slowing down empowers you to make thoughtful decisions, reducing the likelihood of stress-induced reactions.
Mercury retrograde may deliver roadblocks and changes that are outside of your control, but you can choose to find solutions by thinking outside the box. As per Albert Einstein; “you cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”
2 wonderful journal prompts to ask yourself, when presented with a challenge:
how is this serving me?
what is an alternative perspective?
Silver Linings
Remember, Mercury Retrograde is an excellent time for reflection, revision, and reconnection. When approached with a light-hearted attitude, Mercury Retrograde can be both comical and insightful.
It’s a time to connect deeper with your intuition, explore alternative perspectives, and recognise how the Universe is encouraging your growth.